Your safety is our priority

The health and safety of our Children, Educators, Families and Ignite Early Learning Centre Community remain at the top of our minds during these challenging times.
The information provided below is designed to answer some common questions on how Ignite Early Learning Centre is managing the Health and Safety of children, families, educators and our Ignite community.

How We’re Doing Our Part At Ignite Early Learning Centre

Ignite Early Learning Centre continues to respond to ongoing changes as they are released by NSW Health, NSW Education Department and Safe Work Australia.

To ensure that we are able to keep our families, children and our team members safe and healthy we have implemented a range of strategies and up to date measures to further reduce the risk of infectious disease and exposure to COVID-19.

Ignite Early Learning Centre has COVID-19 Risk Assessment and COVID-19 policies that is reviewed and updated to ensure best practice as information changes and shared will all our teams and families. We also provide up to date regular professional training and development to all team members. We are mindful to respond to children’s emotional and mental wellbeing during this time of unprecedented change. We continue to stay connected to families through multiple approaches, including our OWNA application. Our additional health and hygiene strategies we have implemented are based on recommendations from NSW Health include:

Drop Off & Pick-Up Procedures Parents / Families Are Asked To:
  • All parents must sign in and sign out
  • All parents must fill out health and travel declarations.
  • Sanitise hands prior to signing in and out
    Wash hands for at least 20 seconds before leaving home
  • Wear a mask while visiting the service
    Families must follow the updated exclusion guidelines as per our Incident,
    Injury, Trauma and Illness Policy and our Coronavirus Management Policy.
  • Families have an obligation to communicate with Ignite if there are any changes to their current health with respect to Covid-19 symptoms, testing and results.
Additional Hygiene Measures:

Our services will increase the cleaning schedules of all surfaces, make available hand sanitisers in all areas of the centre, including the entrance, increase ventilation and airflow and increase the cleaning of toys and resources.

Educator Health Measures:
  • Upon arrival at the centre, all educators are required to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds.
  • Must fill out health and travel declarations
    Upon arrival at the centre, all educators are required sign in via the Service NSW app.
    All team members will be required to wear a mask indoors.
  • All team members are professionally trained and accredited and aligned with the NSW Infection Control Training.
  • Our team must follow the updated exclusion guidelines as per our Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Policy and our Coronavirus Management Policy.
Children Health Measures:
  • All children are guided to wash their hands as soon as they enter their room.
  • Practicing Physical Distancing and ensuring that we are staying 1.5 metres away from other people where possible and avoiding crowding children together.
  • Increased outdoor activities including mealtime, rest time, physical activity and more to reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission.
  • We continue to have robust discussions with our children about the importance of hygiene in the current context.
  • Refusal of sick children.
Educators Vaccinations – Required To Attend Work

All Ignite Early Learning Centre Educators and service staff have received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccination or hold an authorised medical exemption certificate.

Waiving Of The Gap Fee:

The Federal Government announced that it will provide additional support for New South Wales, by allowing childcare services to waive gap fees for parents in instances where the service is closed due to exposure of COVID-19.

Please note, you must be eligible for CCS entitlements to have the gap fee waived. Your child will need to attend on both the first and last day of care to be eligible for CCS entitlements. If you do not attend on these days your CCS entitlements will be removed from the government and full fees will be payable. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Centre Manager.

Ignite Early Learning Centre reserves the right to review its policy on waiving the gap fee in line with the Government updates.

Here’s what parents and
carers are saying
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